About Me

Hi. I'm Laura. You probably guess that from the title of this blog. And if you haven't noticed that, then you are an idiot and I banish thee from the Internet. Then again, without idiots, then the Internet would consist of about ten people and we wouldn't have any entertainment. Anyway, yeah, I made this blog because I was bored. Again, if you didn't realize that, then get out before I call the cops on you.

I live in a nice house in Antarctica (as far as you know) where I live with penguins. It was lonely, so I made a blog. Well, it's not as simple as that, but who cares? I don't feel like putting a portrait up, so I found an extremely fluffy rabbit. You may be wondering what this blog is for. You want the answer? Absolutely nothing. It's just a place to post my random thoughts when I'm bored. This is quite frequent, actually. Random reviews, poetry, photoshops, that sorta stuff. No, I'm not crazy. At least, in your sense of the term. I'm just so bored.

I know that no one outside of, like, five people will read this, but I don't care. That rabbit is staring into my soul even when its eyes are covered by fur. Sorry. Random thought.