Thursday, July 14, 2011

Disney part 2

Sorry I haven't updated in a few weeks. I've been busy doing nothing.

So, the results are in. Let's see what movies I have to review...
Oh God, really guys? Pocahontas 2?
This is going to be more painful then I thought.

Well, I might as well list what movies I plan to do. But to make it more interesting, I made my own DVD covers to display my own interpretation of the movies before I actually watch them.
...I was playing around in Photoshop, okay?

(Sorry the sizes are retarded. If I gave a damn, maybe I'd fix it.)

Okay, so I have a sick mind. In case your wondering, that's Todd's girlfriend Vixy who's about to get eaten by the bear. 10 Points if you recognize the dog from a certain movie. This will be more sadistic make a lot more sense if you do.

Pocahontas looks so happy cuddling her animal friends while her tribe is being massacred. So... what's so different from the first movie? By the way, I realize smallpox is one word. I'm just too lazy to do anything about it.

I would pay any amount of money to see this movie. It looks amazing. That panda has a gatling gun. A FRIGGIN' GATLING GUN. And what only can be described and the Pandanator in the background... The real movie better be half this awesome.

This movie has a lot going for it. Hercules fighting four mythical beasts while Megara watches on like a useless whore? Hydra, the Nemean Lion, Cerberus, and even the dragon Nidhogg from Norse mythology decided to show up. This seems action packed and awesome! By the way, ten more points to anyone who gets the reference regarding the dog again.
Pretty straightforward, I'd say. I think this movie will be a lot better if Jaws is in it. That other mermaid chick is apparently the daughter of Ariel. Oh, this is going to suck. If anyone asks, I did not put a subliminal message featuring Cthulu.

I do have a twisted mind, don't I? You didn't see the layers I decided to hide. Still, it would be an interesting movie to see Bambi rally the forest creatures to get revenge on the builders. "This is for my mother, you bastard!" He will yell as he charges into the foreman, knocking him into the path of a bulldozer.
...Why don't you just move on?

Badass sunglasses? Check. Post apocalyptic world? Check. Colorful animated dogs? Uh... Well, this is my failed attempt to make a movie with the name "Scamp's Adventure" look badass. It's much harder than you think. Apparently, the three dogs in the foreground are going to be our main characters (without the shades). Oh God have mercy.

Unfortunately, these seven movies probably won't be half as awesome as these interpretations. If I don't see one panda wielding a gatling gun, I will destroy everything. I felt like putting these pictures to show off my amateurish awesome photoshop skills.

My next post may or may not be the first review. Until then, keep staring at the Little Mermaid picture for the subliminal message.

(Pikachu is going to hunt down whoever selected "other" on the poll without telling me what other movie they wanted.)

Sunday, July 3, 2011


Quick, think of one of the worst things possible that Disney is capable of.

No, no. Think more along the lines of feature length movies.

Stop that. I don't want any more of that on my blog.

Well, I'm going to start my analysis of Disney sequels. Yes, they felt it was necessary to create sequels to their animated masterpieces to milk it for all it's worth. And we let them.

Over the next few weeks I'll be going to movie-hell and back. Why? I'm bored. If you want to request a specific Disney sequel (or any really bad sequel to an otherwise wonderful movie) then comment on this post or vote in the poll.

Here's a picture of a flamingo to cancel out all the Hannah Montana crap:
